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The People's Republic of Seabrook Comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable

I Have a Bad Itch - Writing

Let us not squander our energies on minutiae. What will we do when prom queen Becky is carried off by the drooling psychotic school janitor?  Or fast Brad bites it on dead man's curve?  I worry about being too happy.  I don't want to jinx it.

Experience democracy at the Neighborhood Level  "Government is not about who can yell the loudest, or push and shove their neighbors the hardest, it isn't charismatic leaders [hoodwinkers], or expensive, hypnotic advertising - ANY MORE!"  NPOC 


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Posted   31 January, 2003   E-MAIL ME!  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  You may NOT use any information from this site without expressed permission & AUTHORITAH. For educational and entertainment purposes only. Copyright Garry WW 2002  <|>   7

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